What's Happening?
When you create a new file in Google Drive we automatically add a label at the top: Sensitivity
This lets you call out whether the file is intended to be:
Public - this file was meant to be shared outside of the Scouts, or its fine to share it if its relevant.
(e.g. A letter put on your website about camp, photos / archive material that you're happy to have shared)Private - this wasn't intended to be shared outside of Scouts
(e.g. notes from a leaders meeting)Confidential - this wasn't intended to be shared beyond the original group the author shared it with
(e.g. Minutes of Trustee Meetings, or options prepared for them to choose from)Sensitive/Personal - this document is not just confidential, it contains information about a specific person or something that could cause reputational or legal issues if it was shared without permission.
(e.g. An export of leaders / young peoples contact details; any notes or outcomes from a complaint;
You may also want to consider adding an extra Data Subject(s) label to any Personal data we store (especially around complaints) to say who the file is about in case there is a GDPR Subject Access Request from this person in the future... or we need to find records about 'Person X' and finding the file becomes important.
Our intent for a file is very clear: a confidential Google Doc on a Shared Drive isnt intended to be shared broadly.
We all need to respect the spirit a document was shared with us in
Google Drive will respect the Sensitivity of a document:
Unless a document is rated as Public you can't share a document outside of our Google Drive. Each group has a "Public